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Freedom in Social Networks is an ILLUSION. Friend Limits on Social Network are due to CONTROL THE MASSES in order to DON'T ALLOW random people be POWERFUL enough to influence the Entire World. If we were the most six most influencer people on the six most influencer SNs, maybe we only need to reach 30000 different best influencers, and sharing and gossiping might influence the Whole World. However, this is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE if you aren't already POWERFUL enough to BRIBE THEM ALL.


They TRICK our ego and mind making us believe we are in CONTROL of our social connections, i.e. that we are on the TOP  of the POWER PYRAMID of Our Privacy. But it is now Common Knowledge that Barack Obama has auto-proclamed his right to VIOLATE our Intimacy Rights in Social Networks in order to be the POWERFUL Man on the Social Earth.


REAL Free Social Networks are just the OPPOSITE: we start connected to EVERYBODY else and we BAN the negative influencers in OUR opinion. It is not only about PRIVACY (Property of Information) but also UNBALANCED POWER. The solution is Worldwide Freedom of Expressiveness and Real Privacy when desired in order to Coordinate Public Opinion.



'How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?' Sherlock Holmes 


The Summum of all this is that we even believe we may FREELY CHOOSE our beloved anothers. However, the Reality is that they BREED us as Dogs, selecting and creating especialised breeds for each of THEIR purposes as we are limited by genetics, education and options made available to us by them in our social environment: nation, ethnic, religion, political opinion, whatever you can imagine.


When more mid-class people reached University, their genetic selection and miseducation plans were screw up, being forced to create this CRISIS in order to DISCOURAGE mid-class people to study more than the Elite desires. 


On Power and Social Networks

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