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Politics: the real reigning Religion for Centuries



Using game theory to classify States and Society, to best of my knowledge there is a lack of proper classification for societal games. 


Societal games are zero-sum, incomplete and imperfect information concurrent n-players games where one participant is called State and the others, which number tends to infinity in comparison to State, are called People.


State player is using the "Divide and Conquer" and "Manipulated Information" strategies in order to win the maximum small battles with the minimum effort, i.e. reducing the number of opponents at the same time and giving them biased data about the real utility and outcomes of the societal game.  


In my humble opinion, we are playing a big Chess game where White pieces are States[1] and Black pieces are us, the rest of Mankind.


Following the opinion that States use throughly the "Divide and Conquer" strategy, we could see that States are playing a Simultaneous Chess Tournament against each one of us. It is obvious to remark that these games are unbalanced in terms of power, e.g. imagine you start with less pieces that the opponent, and that you will never gain more power that the opponent, e.g. because the rules of their game never allows you to gain more pieces to help you win.


A priori, one should say that this game is lost forever because there are even examples of Chess World Champions playing against the World in the same game (not simultaneous) and they won in spite of confessing that they were very challenged in this event [2].


  However, this example is biased because the rest of players played as one against Kasparov then balancing the power between sides. In fact, an interesting chess game, more similar to our society, would be balancing the pieces on the White side taking into account how many people plays in the Black side, i.e. either removing White pieces or adding Black pieces when necessary. In this case, and in my humble opinion, the Whites would be DOOMED[3] but this topic require a more FORMAL and UNBIASED study. Current studies are normally funded by Defense and Interior Departments of Nationalist States like e.g. [4].


Nevertheless, I propose a humble path of research of these Societal games where information may be obtained through other channels and spread among enough People in order to coordinate against the State player without being assumed to be OMNIPOTENT and OMNIPRESENT. In my humble opinion, Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is a mere "Research Manipulation" to justify why we should to believe in "God-State" and follow "10 Commandments-Laws". (No way!)


A more FORMAL and UNBIASED study would eventually lead us to counter-strategies for People Coordination in order to achieve real Nash equilibria for Mankind in other terms than merely economic, e.g. Power, Autonomy, Freedom of Expression, etc. that is, Maximum Opportunities with the current (or improved) Human Rights being rightfully in force.


Real Democracy: 


We are one Consciousness, one emergent, shared Force that resides in, belongs to, and should be exercised by us all in a peer-to-peer manner in order to restore equilibria among Earth and all Life-beings.


May the Force be with you!



Soundtrack: S.A. "Makinaria de Estado" (State Machinery). Release date: 1993




"The state knows how to control 
the masses that do not know how to think. 


The state is an old dog, 
TV says things as it wants. 


When people are pissed 
there are already prepared some nice 

entertainment for masses 
that find truest viewing torturing a bull 
supporting one team or hating it. 


If you are young, and some change you want 
they know what drug can stop you 
and also where to distribute it,
for sure they don't, they don't go to "K number" [5].

And if someone is still 
not happy with this empty life they are selling to us, 
the security forces are responsible for removing 
this dangerous social disturbance.

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